About 604 results
and hard winds that blow /in that dry white o ce an a lone \But to stand with you in a ring of fire /I'll
the Wailers \I wan na love you, /and treat you right /I wan na love you, /ev e ry day and ev e ry night /We'll
@LENGL @TEASY LOVER @TPhil Collins \Ea sy lov er /She'll get a hold on you be lieve it \Like no o ther /Be fore
litt le kind ness /Yes shine your light for eve ry one to see /And if you try a litt le kind ness /And you' ll
Dedicated to Dermot :) heh, it's not much, (the "ultra jazzy part" is probably about 99% authentic) but I'm sure you'll
\If a ny one asks, /I'll tell them we both just moved on /When peo ple all stare /I'll pre tend that I don't
a different world /Go out and find a girl /Come -on come -on and dance all night /Des pite the heat it 'll
FILE @LENGL @TSUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE @TCream \Well it's get ting near dawn /When lights close their ti red eyes /I'll
@LENGL @TSTART ME UP @TRolling Stones @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \If you start me up, /if you start me up I'll
C'MON MARYANNE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TC'mon Marianne @TFour Seasons \Whoa- ho here I am on my knees a gain /I'll
FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TFIELDS OF GOLD @TSting \You'll
*************** @W \Give a lit tle bit /Give a lit tle bi t of your love t o me \Give a li tt le b i t /I'll
/When it's o ver, so they say, it' ll rain a sun ny day. /I know, shi nin' down like wa ter.
Darl ing, please be lieve me /I'll ne ver do you no harm /Be lieve me when I tell you /I'll ne ver do you
\I'll buy you a dia mond /ring my friend, /if it makes you feel al right.
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TFIELDS OF GOLD @TSting \You'll
\I am a wo man in love /and I'll do a ny thing \to get you in to my world /and
\You give me fe ver /When you kiss me /Fe ver when you ho ld me tight \Fe ver /In the mor ning /Fe ver a ll
/(Oh no, you'll be deceived) \Is it in his eyes?
\You'll have bad times /and he'll have good times, /do 'in things that you don't un der stand.