About 600 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TReach @TGloria Estefan @TLyrics introduced by Joao Campos @TEmail: joao_campos@grupo.bfe.p...
Karaoke by H.de Koning \Day one God smiled /Gave us all the wis dom of a new born child, \But by the time we take
ber ries cher ries and an an gel's kiss in spring /My sum mer wine is real ly made from all these things /Take
ing and re turn ing /To some sec ret place in side \Watch ing in slow mo tion /As you turn a round and say \Take
won't go a stray /I won't be a fraid /You won't catch me run ning /You're rul ing the way /that I move /You take
\Bud dy, you're a young man, hard man, /shout ing in the street, /gon na take on
\Rhi an non rings like a bell through the night, /and would n't you love to love her? \Takes to the sky...
wom en on your mind /Have a drink, have a drive /Go out and see what you can find \If her dadd y's rich take
Here oh they rush eve ry where \Deeds with their own secr et care /So ferr y cross the Merc y /And al ways take
love /Keep ing me warm night and day \Miles and miles of emp ty space in be tween us /A tel e phone can't take
leave you in times of trou ble /We ne ver could have come this far, mmmm /I took the good times, I'll take
Beginning to Look Like Christmas @TBing Crosby \It's beg inn ing to look a lot /like Christ mas /Eve ry where you go /Take
There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so un sure /as I take
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhere Everyone Knows Your Name @TTheme to Cheers @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.inf...
TTAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS @TBachman Turner Overdrive \You get up ev ery morn ing /From your alarm clock's warn ing /Take
/When you take you got ta give so live and /let live and let go oh oh oh oh oh oh /I beg your pardon
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LEngle @TRight here waiting @TRichard Marx @TCreate by Althea & Harry \O ceans a part day a...
KARAOKE FILE \Sign a name, /sign a way eve ry ho ur, /eve ry day /You're liv ing your dream /Play the game; /take
come in to my house /Come a long and fol low me \To a place that you've ne ver been /A mys tic fan ta sy \Take