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)555,7 Literature Arr.Old tang
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSounds Of Silence @TSimon And Garfunkel \Hell o dark ness my old friend, /I've come to
This song is an old song redone by the Chicks. I can't even remember who did it first.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWalk Like an Egyptian @TBangles \All the old paint ings on the tomb /They do the sand
KARAOKE FILE @TRhinestone Cowboy @TGlen Campbell \I've been walk in' these streets so long, /Sin gin' the same old
\The old er she gets, /the slow er we go. \But there ain't noth in' /wrong with the rad i o.
Christ mas /Make the Yule tide gay /From now on, our troub les will be miles a way \Here we are as in old
\I should have stayed on the farm, /Should have list ened to my old man.
LENGL @TPIANO MAN @TBilly Joel \It's nine o' clock on a Sa tur day /The re gu lar crowd shuf fles in \There's an old
TBlackout @TMuse @T-Fly- \don't kid your self /and don't fool your self /this love's too good to last /and i'm too old
\I bet ter read be tween the lines, /in case I need it when I'm old e r.
@I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @THEY YOU @TPing Floyd \Hey you, /Out there in the cold, \Get ting lone ly, get ting old
unknown @IKAR file by Mark B @LENGL @TCome On Eileen @TDEXY'S MIDNIGHT RUNNERS \Come on, Eileen /Come on, Eileen \Poor old
to geth er with /Sus pic ous minds /and we can't build our dreams /on sus pic ious minds \So where's that old
\Ha ven't see your fa ce be fore /Are you new in town \It's the same old line /Oh, e ve ry time \Are you
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Is n't she love ly /Is n't she won der ful /Is n't she pre cious /Less than one mi nute old
\I'll ne ver grow so old and flab by /That will ne ver be \Don't ma rry her, have me.
\May be I should buy some old tab col lars? /Wel come back to the age of jive.
\No mat ter how I try, /I find my way to the same old jam. \Good times, b %- %+