About 598 results
/Oh, what fun it is to ride /in a one hor se o pen sle igh!
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TA LITTLE RESPECT @TErasure \I try to dis co ver /A lit tle some thing /To make me sweet er \Oh
/F)Yu're The One That I Want \You're the One That I Want /You're the One That I Want \The one I need /Oh
clas sic sen sa tion, senti men tal con fu sion \Used to say "I like Cho pin" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh
quick ly /When we're to ge ther laugh ing \I wish I could sing it to you /I wish I could sing it to yo u \Oh
night, /Give me one more night /One more night cos I can't wa it for e ver \Give me just one more night, /Oh
I start ed a joke /Which start ed the whole world cry ing /But I did n't see /That the joke was on me, oh
\Oh can't you see me stan ding here, /I've got my back agai ns t the re cord ma chine \I ain't the worst
/Oh I be lieve in yes ter day. \Sud den ly I'm not half the man I used to be.
thing /a gambler needs /is a suit case and a trunk /And the only time /he's satis fied /Is when he's all a drunk /Oh
did /And all the kids at school /They were wish ing they were me that night \And now our bod ies are oh
could have sworn \These are my sa lad days /Slow ly be ing ea ten a way /You just an o ther play for to day \Oh
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSoldier Boy @TShirelles \Sol dier boy /Oh, my lit tle sol dier boy /I'll be true to
we real ly did try to make it /Some thing in side has died /and I can't hide /And I just can't fake it Oh
\The sha dow on the walls tells me /The sun is go ing down \Oh, Ru b y /Don't take your love to town.
has a voice /It talks to me /Still born, by choice /It airs no need /To hold \An old man feels the cold /Oh
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TQueen Of Hearts @TJuice Newton \Mid night, /and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TUnder the Boardwalk @TBette Midler (The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts
\Oh, /I'm get tin' Nut tin' for Christ mas. /Mom my and dad dy are mad.
ding up in side /When sud den ly wo hoo wo \It was more than I could bear /Hmm, more than I could bear \Oh