About 637 results
\Wake up in the morn in', /see your sun rise loves to go down.
ever seems to fit /Hang in' a round /Noth ing to do but frown /Rai ny Days and Mon days al ways get me down
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLONG TRAIN RUNNING @TDoobie Brothers \Down a round the corn er, /half a mile from here
When Jo sie comes home to stay \We're gon na park in the stre et /Sleep on the beach and make it \Throw down
/I know, shi nin' down like wa ter. \I want to know, have you e ver seen the rain?
sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \Rain /Feel it on my fin ger tips /Hear it on my win dow pane /Your love's com ing down
I'll fight /To win back your lo ve a gain /I will be there, I will be there /Love, on ly love /Can break down
@KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TDREADLOCK HOLIDAY @TBoney M \I was wal kin' down
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMonkee's TV Theme @TMonkees \Here we come, walk in' /Down the street.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMustang Sally @TWilson Picket \Must ang Sal ly, /guess you bet ter slow your Must ang down
LENGL @TI Feel the Earth Move @TCarole King \I feel the earth move und er my feet /I feel the sky a tumbl ing down
\You step in side but you /don't see too ma ny fa ces \Com ing in out of the rain /to hear the jazz go down
\Go in' down to Lone some Town, /Where the bro ken hearts stay.
Chorus Depth set LA OFF for CM-64 PCM OFF for CM-64 -------------------- Assign Mode Master Volume Down
\We kiss the mor ning good bye, /but down in side /you know we ne ver know why.
by now you'd have let your self g o /I've been lov ing my heart out, and with out a ny sh a me /Gotten down
When the soul lies down in that grass,
@KCopyright EMI International rights secured @LENGL @TSUNDAY MORNIN' COMIN' DOWN @TWords & Music by Kris Kristofferson
While shep herds watch'd their flocks by night, /All seat ed on the ground, /The an gel of the Lord came down