About 598 results
/Oh, no, no, ba by, I ain't ask in' much o' you. \Just a big- a, big- a, big-
they last /Like strawberry wine and seventeen /The hot July moon saw everything /My first taste of love, oh
Seasons \I won der, won der who, bi du du, who /Who wrote the book of love \Tell me, tell me, tell me /Oh
TSupertramp @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \When I was young, /it seemed that life was so won der ful, /a mir a cle, oh
WOMAN @TBad Boys Blue @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \To night, /There'll be no dark ness to night \Oh
love /I'll ne ver lie to you and that's a fact /But I'll ne ver for get the way you feel right now - /Oh
/Oh brother gonna leave me wastin' away. /On the streets of Phi la del phi a.
1996 <<< \Ba by let me be /Your lo vin' te ddy bear /Put a chain a round my neck /And lead me a ny where /Oh
\Oh, Fros ty the snow man /Was a
/Will pow er be down and go /A wo man's mind told me that's so /Oh how I wish we were back on the road
the same /I know that some bod y's try in \So please, /Re turn the love you took from me /Oh
Bjorn & Benny <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \My my, at Wa ter loo Na po le on did sur ren der /Oh
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh
\I'm just a soul whose in tent ions are good, /Oh Lord, please don't let me be /mis und er stood.
by does n't want you an y more /It's ov er \It breaks your heart in two /To know she's been un true /But oh
tem ber and I real ly /should be back at school /I know I keep you a mused /But I feel I'm be ing used /Oh
/You been a runnin' all over the town now, /Oh guess I have to put your flat feet on the ground.
to trembl ing /When ev er you're a round \O oo, ba by, when I see your face /Mell ow as the month of May /Oh
the sky it's so beau ti ful and blue \The t v's on /but the on ly thing sho wing is a pic ture of you \Oh
\Oh, I saw you by the wall, /ten of your tin sol diers in a row, \With eyes that looked like ice on fire