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Mthmop 2a
Prelude No. 2 from Book 1
Fugue No. 2 from book 1
Sonate No.1 Op.96
Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat Major, Op. 19 Mov't. 1
贝多芬 F小调第一号钢琴奏鸣曲,作品2/1 Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 2/1 谈及青年时的贝多芬,人们的脑海中很容易浮现出一个“狂飙突进”的形象——个性鲜明、倜傥不羁,在当时的音乐界掀起了一阵旋风
帕格尼尼 B小调24首小提琴随想曲,第二首,作品 1/2 Paganini 24 Violin Caprise No. 2 in B Minor, Op. 1/2
Kuhlau Sonatina Op 55 N 1 M 2
踏入探险 (Step into the Adventure) QQ堂魔法王国1(1-4)/魔法王国2全图(1-5)/机械王国全图(1-4)/迷之沙漠(1-3)BGM 扒带:化学酱あずみ https://www.bilibili.com/
原曲是NES游戏机的音乐,这是FC北斗神拳2 关卡 STAGE 1 的音乐。我对照这个8bit的音乐并对其分析制作成这个midi。
Butterfly PsmPlayer V3.34
I bet it was a already sunned idea to make very happy for Kills 2. This is the first song of kills 2.
Mthmtrc 2
过场动画BGM 1
Human review can work, easily sure about that?
Love it, .....hmm.....
I like it
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