About 66 results
FILE @T Mariah Carey - Alone In Love @T By Lauriane 2004 @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com \Swept me a way /But now I'm lost
www.kentrenous.net \*Da niel Pow ter* \**Bad day** \****Pat ty Kar*** \ \Where is the mo ment \When we need it the most \You
Lauriane Madison ** \This was ne ver the way I planned /Not my in ten tion /I got so brave, drink in hand /Lost
/I wish I'd ne ver met you, girl, /you'll ne ver come a gain.
who a o h ye ah \Luck y love be longs in teen age hea ven /I know, I know /'Cause I've been there with you
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tnobody want's to be lonely @Tricky martin- christina aguilera \there you are /in a dark
Holiday @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THoliday @TGreen Day @TLyrics Added By Karaoke Krew Member Woof \You Hear the sound
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TTragedy - Bee Gees @Tkaraoke by Mike Miller \Here I lie /in a lost and lone ly part
Hearts and stu~ u~ um ble /In my hands they crum ble /And fra gile and stripped to the core /I can't hurt you
FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.3 @MM;30;0;0;-1;0;0;979199;0;0;0;1;100 @LENGL @TMy Fair Share @TSeals & Crofts \Lost
\The mean ings get lost /And the teach ings get tossed /And you don't know what you're /Go ing to do next.
whis pers in the mor ning /Of lo vers slee ping tight \Are rol ling by like thun der now /As I look in you
@LENGL @TSTRAIGHT UP @TPaula Abdul \Lost in a dream /Don't know which way to turn \If you are all that you
. - 1995 @TKar'ed by : ElCid \Have you seen my Child hood? /I'm search ing for the world that I come from!
\Good friends we had, oh good friends we've lost /a long the way.
@LENGL @TLOST IN YOUR EYES @TDebbie Gibson \I get lost in your eyes /And I feel my spi rits rise \And soar like
walk ed all over th at black eyed caj un qu een /But out side of Am ar il lo he found his thrill I tell you
that we sa voured for the last /get crushed /bet ween the good and bad /from pres sures we have had /but you