About 51 results
all feel just fine We' ll sip io dine /In our Nucle ar Win ter Won der land /Near the melt down we can build
/When you don't be lieve a word I say \We can't go on to geth er with /Sus pic ous minds /and we can't build
I won't break \I'll be the rock you can build on, /be there when you're old, /to have and to hold.
建议在虚拟机里装win3.1和SoundBlaster 16驱动播放。 好几年前的东西了,在现在的新波表上播放音色有点问题。 这里上传了其中的building,其他的各位想要我再传。
knows who's in con trol \You're work ing so hard /And ne v er in cha rge /Your death cre ates suc cess /Re build
(not Koji Kondo) Sequenced by Leopold McGinnis June 1998 Build time: uh...like half an hour Despite the horrible wretchedness
one knows just wh y /What have we be come /Just look what we have done /All that we de stroyed /You must build
man of /Good faith /Then in love you live /I'll make a stand /I won't break /I'll be the rock you /Can build
\When you build y %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
you /I'll have faith in all you do /Just call my name and I'll be there \I'll be there to com fort you /Build