About 64 results
entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TFrosty The Snowman @TSteve Nelson & Jack Rollins \ \ \Fros ty, the snow man
\Why do I bo ther /When you're not the one for me /ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh, is e nough e nough \I saw the
down Tri ni dad, /They make you feel so ve ry glad, \Ca lyp so sing and make up rhyme, /Guar an tee you one
@T.KAR file by Ken Vong (synergy@express.ca) \Hey litt le sis ter what have you done /Hey litt le sist er who's
still town girl on a sa tur day night /loo kin' for the fight of her life \In the real- time world no one
/Make a one man weep /make an oth er man sing. \Change of heart to a lit tle white dove.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPRIDE (IN THE NAME OF LOVE) @Tby U2 @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \One man
LENGL @THouse of the Rising Sun @TThe Animals \There is a house in New Or leans /They call the ris ing sun /And it's
/I got my flo wer, I got my po wer, /I got a wo man who knows! \I said it's al right!
seen my self /I seem like so meone else \I don't know how to take this /I don't see why he moves me /He's
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TYour Song @TElton John @TKaraoke file by beno@imola.jump.org \ It's a lit tle bit
\There's no one home but you, /You're all that's left me too.
<Laura> @T<Scissor Sisters> @T<Words by Midime > \Lau ra, can't you give me some time, /I got to give my self one
\A rise, ye pri s'ners of star va tion! \Fight for your own e man ci pa tion!
ISequence and Karaoke by Les Herrman @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TFrosty \ \ \Fros ty, the snow man
got chills, /they're mul t i ply in' \a nd I'm los in' co n tr ol /Cause the pow er \you' re sup ply in', /It's
first sight \I never knew those words were true /'Til you walked in to o night \All it took was just one
www.michaelhuang.com mhuang@mail.com Various female character theme from Final Fantasy 1 to Final Fantasy 8 all mix into one