About 786 results
Set CH9 for Drum Set 2 Master Volume Reverve Macro Reverve level Reverve time Chorus Macro Chorus rate Chorus depth Voice
jsj DJ set
スーパーロボット大戦 ORIGINAL GENERATION / エルザムのテーマ(仮称) Conductor Track Reverb Macro Reverb PRE-LPF Reverb Level Reverb Time * Kick Set
Drum Set
by YOASOBI, based on Yichiro Komikado’s novel “RGB” (short form of Primary Colors), where the theme within the novel is set
-------------------------------------- ---- System Setup -------------------------------------------------- ---- System Set
This my drums set
在外界绚烂的流光间穿行 已知以下音源还原佳:GS sound set (16 bit) 使用CC BY-NC
Control Settings @rem project=E:\ÒôÀÖ\ÇúÆ×\boy next door @set tempo=160 ¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÐÎʽ¤ÏÓè¸æo¤¯ä¸ü?
Hewitt Jhh 49tswss
废稿再生 预览:www.bilibili.com/video/av429178205 制作使用音源:Arachno SoundFont, pc98_ym2608, Roland GS sound set (16 bit) 推荐音源:
Bad Boy (GS Power Drum Set) GS Power Drum Kit
¹¥Ì @set tempo=120 ¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÐÎʽ¤ÏÓè¸æo¤¯ä¸ü?
ネクロファンタジア 【サイト名】 URL ---- Reset + Mode Set -------------------------------------------------- ---- 全体設定 -----------------
Control Settings @rem project=E:\ÒôÀÖ\ÇúÆ×\¹íÐóÈÃÎÒÃÇ´´ÔìÆæ¼£ @set tempo=148 ¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÐÎʽ¤ÏÓè¸æo¤¯ä¸ü?
《AIR》动画版的背景音乐 使用以下音源可以达到比较好的还原效果: Arachno SoundFont.sf2 GS sound set (16 bit).sf2
Control Settings @rem project=New Project @set tempo=120 ¤³¤Î¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÐÎʽ¤ÏÓè¸æo¤¯ä¸ü?
Set as a duet.
ACME (Melboorn) - PC Flanc - Who Easykg 已知以下音源还原佳:GS sound set (16 bit) 其实都是锯齿波,随意 禁止将本文件用于任何形式的商业用途
y Complete Darkness z from ^ for sc88Pro comp.ZUN <GM RESET> <MODE SET (GSؾ¯Ä)> <SYSTEM