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Take me to church.I'll worship like a dog. 大概可能适配 建议使用Midibard演奏 竖琴钢琴都可以
Whatever It Takes
Michael Learns to Rock的Take Me to Your Heart
Questo è un brano creato da Dave Drubeck,ho preso spunto dal video del 1966 这个版本是萨克斯钢琴和吉他合奏,个人认为非常棒。
Cant Take My Eyes Off
Take This Token Ballad Words by W. Athey. Music by John Rogers Thomas. (18??) for General MIDI playback
Take My Breath Away
Taking Over Mer
Take my heart
Take Me Hand(牵我的手)
Scott Brown Taking Drugs
midi melody for a group popular in europe
Paul Desmond是这首曲子的作曲者,而他中音萨克斯的演奏的主旋律部分同样是《TakeFive》如此受主流市场欢迎的一大因素,编排巧妙,非常抓耳,是爵士乐曲当中辨识度最高的主题之一。另外戏份也很大的是鼓手Joe Morello,他用类...
J Denver Take Me Home Roads
Had offers but don't know which one to take Please don't tell 'em how you found me Don't tell 'em how you found me Gimme
Come, Take Your Medicine! by Henry Clay Work, No. 66 (1879) for General MIDI playback