About 83 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWalk on By @TAndy Williams (H.David/Bacharach) \If you see me walk ing down the street
TBuddy Holly \Well that 'll be the day, /when you say good bye, /yes, that'll be the day, \when you make me
\I knew, you'd love me as long as you want ed. /And then some day, /You'd leave me for some bod y new.
\I call you up whe ne ver thin gs go wrong /You're al ways there /You are my shoul der to cry o n /I can't
By Unregistered User @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @MSKS @Universal Lyrics Editor @MDR SOFTWARE @E-mail: mdr@lgs.it \You ask me
\She made me cry; she done me wrong. /She hurt my ey es op en; that's no lie.
my stuff /Then I'm so strung out /I'm high as a kite /I just a might /Stop to check you out \Let me
Devoted to You @TOlivia Newton-John \Guess mine is not the first heart brok en, /my eyes are not the first to cry
been the need le and the thread /Wea ving fi gure eights and cir cles round your head /I try to laugh but cry
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TChiquitita By Abba @TKar by Roger Mac \Ch iq ui tita, tell me what's
heart is cold and lost /the will to love /like a bro ken ar row /here I stand in the sha dows /come to me
3781748 @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Started the Joke @TBee Gees \I start ed a joke /Which start ed the whole world cry
you /I will always love you /You, my darling you, mmm \Bitter sweet memories /That is all I'm taking with me
/Now I think it's time /that you let me kn ow.
by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TI AM THE WALRUS @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \I am he as you are he /as you are me
/Tell me please I got ta know, /Do you mean to make me cry? /Am I just an oth er guy? \Oh, oh!
\Ch iq ui tita, tell me what's wrong /You 're enchained by your own s orrow /I i i in your eyes there is
Freddie Mercury @IMIDI file author unknown @IKAR file by Mark B @LENGL @TSomebody to Love @TQUEEN \Can anybody find me
shin ing /Why does the sea rush to shore /Don't they know it's \the end of the world /Cos' you don't love me