About 58 results
yip pie ye /Ah yip pie yip pie yea /Ah yip pie yip pie oo ooh \Now the sum mer is gone /you had to go ba ck home
H.de Koning \Just a per fect day, /Drink San gri a in the park, /And then later, when it gets dark, We go home
~ ~ /But when I get home to you /I find the things that you do /Will make me feel ~ al right.
Here I lie /in a lost and lone ly part of town /Held in time /a world of tears I slow ly drown /Goi n' home
tell you things aren't so great \You can't go on thin king /There's no thing wrong /Who's gon na drive you home
FILE @LENGL @TGrandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer @TAuthor unknown \Grand ma got run ov er by a rein deer, /walk ing home
\When I come home, ba by, /my house is dark and my pots are cold. /You're hang in' round, ba by, /
that you've de stroyed my faith in love /You think af ter all you've done \I'll ne ver find my way back home
/But don't for get who's tak ing you home /and in whose arms you're gon na be.
\Ly ing on the sand, watch ing sea birds fly, /wish ing there would be /some one wait ing home for me.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSweet home Chicago @TBlues Brothers @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \C' MON BABY, BA BY DON'T
/Do you know how to pick up the piec es /and go home? Mmm... \Rock %- %+ %- %+
/To that, home out on, the range. \They got ta lotta nice girls. /Have mer cy.
\There's no one home but you, /You're all that's left me too.
LENGL @TMassachusetts @TBee Gees \Feel I'm go ing back to Mass a chus etts /Some thing's tell ing me I must go home
a cry in sin /Ride a paint ed po ny /let your spin ning wheel spin \You got no mon ey /and you got no home
\I come home in the mor ning, /I go to bed feel ing the same way. \I ain't no thing but tir ed.
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TI'm on Fire @TBruce Springsteen \Hey lit tle girl is your dad dy home