About 100 results
DRAGON'S LEGEND MVM Some time ago I downloaded the song "Dragons Legend" of MyVoice (Jukke Sundqvist).
Time, time, time Ballad #2 F-major IVAN Write a #1 Hit & take a vacation. Standard mandatory rock ballad.
Old Times Come Again or, "Good Old Times" Come Again Words--anonymous.
At school, Umaru appears to be the ideal student with good looks, top grades and many talents.
@LENGL @TCARELESS WHISPER @Tgeorge michael \Time can ne ver mend /the care less whis pers of a good friend \To
All in good times Arranged by Animenz
Christmas Day 1970 @TKAR By Geoffrey Carter 27th September 2013 \Peo ple mak ing lists /Hid ing spe cial gifts /Tak ing time
. / I hope you can find the time / this week end to re lax and un wind. / My mind is tired / I've worked
dering /if your love's /still strong \oh oh ba by /here i am /signed sealed \de li vered /i'm yours /then that time
5Jan2014 @T2014 \In Rome there's a love ly tra di tion /that you may have heard of be fore; /when ev er it's time
when you're short on your dough \you can stay there, and I'm sure you will find /ma ny ways to have a good
ni dad, /They make you feel so ve ry glad, \Ca lyp so sing and make up rhyme, /Guar an tee you one real good
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TGoodnight @TBy The Beatles \Now it's time
so long For a miracle to come Everyone told me to be strong Hold on and don't shed a tear Through the darkness and good
tis fied \An gie, A n gie \Oh you can't say we ne ver tried \Uh Angie, you're beautiful ...yes \but ain't it time
\Time can ne ver mend /the care less whis pers of a good friend \To the heart and mind, ig no rance is kind
@LENGL @THOLIDAY @TMadonna \Ho li day Ce le brate /Ho li day Ce le brate \If we took a ho li day /Took some time
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T<title>I can't Decide @T<artist>Scissor Sisters @T<copyright> \It's not ea sy ha ving your self a good