About 57 results
\There's a calm sur ren der /to the rush of day, \when the heat of the roll ing world /can be turned a
\Co mo rí e la vi da /si tus o jos ne gros /me quie ren mi rar...
葬送のフリーレン (Sōsō no Furīren) Frieren beyond journey's end Ending song : Anytime anywhere by Milet Lyrics And you alright
When good friends /are near /Try ing hard to find \a qui et mo ment /Shar ing love /and joy \The child ren
she was a show girl /With yel low fea thers in her hair /And a dress cut down to there \She would me ren
/Bells are ring ing, child ren sing ing; /All is mer ry and bright.
side walks, bu sy side walks /Dressed in Hol i day style /In the air there's a feel ing of Christ mas /Child ren
ing of a white Christ mas /Just like the ones I used to know /Where the tree -tops g list en /And child ren
Music: Bjorn & Benny <<< @T>>> I-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \My my, at Wa ter loo Na po le on did sur ren
/I need some shel ter of my own pro tec tion baby /To be with my self and cen ter, clar it y /Peace, Se ren
\Ren dez vous in the night. /A willing wo man to hold me tight.
bai la con swing /y e so me gus ta a mí /Ve loz co mo un jon rón de So sa /Es tá ri ca, es tá sa bro sa /Mí ren
nei ro /Es tou mo rren do de sau da de /Ri o do mar te rra sem fim /Ri o vo cê foi fei to pra mim /Cris to Ren
pou co me dei /Já ti ve mu lhe res do ti po atre vi da /Do ti po aca nha da do ti po vi vi da /Ca sa da ca ren
and you'll soon for get, /So don't mind me tugging at your sle e e eve, /I'm ask ing you can I fix a ren
Jeroen Strijb \We zit ten sa men in de ka mer /En de ste re o staat zacht /En ik denk "nu gaat 't ge beu ren
the dark ness /Af raid to step in to the light /Some peo ple need to help some bo dy /When the edge of sur ren