About 637 results
ly wo hoo wo \It was more than I could bear /Hmm, more than I could bear \Oh, when I saw you /Wal king down
, /You know ba by it's the gui tar man \He can make you love, he can make you cry /He will bring you down
a lone in your room /Come hear the mus ic play \Life is a cab a ret oh chum /Come to the cab a ret \Put down
/Draw ing me in /and you kick ing me ou t /You've got my head spin ni ng /No kid ding /I can't pin yo u down
\All a round in my home town /they're try ing to track me down.
/It's your brand new dog com ing /down with worms. /It's the notes being played by /a cock roach pa rade.
\The sum mer s un looked down /On our love long a go , \But in my he art I feel /The sa me old af t er glow
Bat on Rouge, /wait in' for a train /When I's feel in' near as faded \as my jeans /Bobb y thumbed a dies el down
\Good morn ing, good morn ing, good morn ing ah \Go ing to work don't want to go feel ing low down.
\Have you seen the old man /in the closed down ma r ket, \Kick ing up the pa per /with his worn out shoes
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSpinning Wheel @TBlood Sweat and Tears \What goes up must come down /Spin ning Wheel
/Will pow er be down and go /A wo man's mind told me that's so /Oh how I wish we were back on the road
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWALKIN' THE DOG @TRufus Thomas \Mar y Mac dressed in black, /sil ver but tons al l down
the phone /Let's pre tend that we're /to geth er all a lone /I'll tell the man to turn /the juke box way down
Young sings a bout her /Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down \Well, I hope Neil Young will re mem ber /A
de pot /On a bar stool she took off her ring \I thought I'd get clo ser /So I walked on o ver /I sat down
/Tore down.. these walls..
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THelp Me Rhonda @TBeach Boys \Since she put me down I've /been out do in' in my head
flat ters \In the night no con trol /Through the wall some thing break ing \Wear ing white as you're walk in' /Down
er gon na stop fal ling in love /I'm nev er gon na stop fal ling in love, with you \Close the door, lay down