About 858 results
man and his will to sur vive \So ma ny times, it hap pend too fast /You chane you pas sion for glo ry \Don't
If the drums don't sound good on your system, mute them and just have a guitar/bass/piano trio - as Oscar Peterson's early
mean to me \Search your heart, search your soul /And when you find me there, /you will search no more \Don't
ran to /When ev er I was in ne ed , /Of a friend /Why did it have to end /And why do they al ways say \Don't
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TDON'T GO BREAKING
to bear /List en to me ba by, hear ev e ry word I say /No one can love you the way I do /'Cause they don't
\Don't say that she's pret ty, /and may be say that she loved you. /Ba by, I don't want to know.
Don't Let Me Down GS Reset - SYX GS Reset - SYX For Personal Use Only Modification without MIDI File author's permission
Madonna Medley Arranged by HONEY 1-Like a Prayer 2-Live to Tell 3-Take a bow 4-Papa don't preach 5-Holiday 6-Like
it's ev o lut ion /Well you know /We all want to change the world /But when you talk about de struct ion /Don't
\No I don't mean to make you frown, no /I just want you to slow down \Have you ne ver been mel low?
@V0100 @I 08-23-93, 09:00, V.T.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T City of Delusion @T Muse @T - Fly - \Stay, wait for me /Build a for tress and shield
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T<title> @T<artist> @T<copyright> \ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah /ah ah ah
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSuspicious Minds @TElvis Presley \We're caught in a trap /I can't walk out /Be cause
\Re lax, don't do it. /When you want to go to it. \Re lax, don't do it, /when you want to come.
You're not sorry @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T You're not Sorry @T Taylor Swift @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSweet home Chicago @TBlues Brothers @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \C' MON BABY, BA BY DON'T