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未命名 Track1
Full Track:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1s5411Q7cp?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
<speedy_midi_config version="1"><editor_state><mapping cell_td="1" xzoom="106" yzoom="0" cell_d="8" first_track="0" first_measure
苏联影片《一见钟情》插曲 [塔吉克]米尔佐·杜尔松-查德词 [阿塞拜疆]安德列·巴巴耶夫曲 薛范译配 1、有一位好姑娘,眼睛流露深情, 脸上有美人痣,眉毛弯弯动人。 啊这位好姑娘,我呀一见钟情, 扰乱了我的心,我难以平静!
Prelude Claude Debussy Moderato tempo rubato Fertiggestellt am 14.6.98 Korrekturen am 20.8.98 Beide Tracks auf Kanal 1
'伝説の木の下で……' 〜 ときめきメモリアル(PS) より ` By T-3 Track. 1 Track. 2 Track
Track1 Track1
Here is a fast and easy way to correct this problem in Cakewalk. 1. Open the Piano Roll view for your drum tracks.
Time, time, time Ballad #2 F-major IVAN Write a #1 Hit & take a vacation. Standard mandatory rock ballad.
Master Track DM:0000:[Common] Version=DSB301 Name=Voice1 Color=181,162,123 DynamicsMode=1 PlayMode=1 [Master] PreMeasure=
eopn Track1
The total duration of this midi music is 1 minutes and 55 seconds, divided into 2 tracks, the initial tempo is 70bpm
Song Title: Beginner Course Daytime - "Groovin' Daylight" Other Information: -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1
Master Track DM:0000:[Common] Version=DSB202 Name=ハヤモテトヨョハォ Color=181,162,123 DynamicsMode=0 PlayMode=1 [Master] PreMeasure