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\Way down in side, /oh hon ey you need it. \I'm gon na give you my love. /I'm gon na give you my love.
that I lo ve you, /Have I told you there's no one a bo ve you, /Fill my heart with glad ne ss, /Take a way
My Way By Claude Francois / Jacques Revaux / Paul Anka Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Unnamed-000 Unnamed-001 Unnamed-
' still ev 'ry where /Dressed in gray, did he say /Hold my hand /I said, love's eas ier when it's far a way
my h a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /Would you help me st a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /I'll find my way
round the world I I I /I can't find my ba by \I don't know when and I don't know why /Why he's gone a way
of my hands \To think for two years she was here /And I took for gran ted I was so ca valier /Now the way
KARAOKE FILE @TLyrics @LENGL / Last Chris tmas / I gave you my heart / But the ve ry next day you gave it a way
Thai - KHUN LAM YAI (Looknok Supaporn)
our love long a go \But in my heart I feel /The same old aft er glow \A love so beau ti ful /In e v ery way
Song \Dash ing through the snow /in a one hor se o pen sleigh, /over the fields we go, \laugh ing all the way
Raphael Pungin @I RAPHAEL@CNCT.COM @LENGL @TMONEY FOR NOTHING @TDire Straits \Now lo ok at them yo yo's that's the way
/Is that the way it should start?
V0.03a /You ~ ~ ~ /You ~ ~ ~ \When the world is dar ker than I can un der stand /When noth ing turns out the way
@TDisassembling this file in any way is prohibited. @TNot For Commercial Use. @TArranged by Bunty Pritchard Jones.
@I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TIF YOU LEAVE ME NOW @TChicago \If you leave me now, /you'll take a way
\Far, far a way, /some one was weep ing, \but the world was sleep ing. /A ny dream will do.
TNOTHING COMPARES 2 U @TSin嶧d O'Connor \It's been se ven hours and fif teen days /since you took your love a way