About 1058 results
\The girl that's dri vin g me ma d /Is go ing a way.
/Does an an gel con tem pl ate my fate /and do th ey know /the pla ces where we go /when we're grey and old
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Sequence and lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG...
dif ferent eyes \E very time I see you /Oh I try to hide a way /But when we meet it seems I can't let go
@TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \There lived a cer tain man in Rus sia long a go /He was big and
ce /Can't find an y one to take her place /I've got to see her aga in \I would do a ny th ing /I would go
Ballad #1 I Let You Go E-major IVAN A sensitive number designed to demonstrate full-sounding orchestration while remaining
Don't kill the world Help her survive And she'll reward you with life And don't just talk, Go on and do the one, who
/to go o ve r.. ev er y thi ng.. /They say that time's sup posed to heal ya~ ..
Tak ing ev ery thing in my stride /Don't need rea son, don't need rime /Ain't noth ing I would ra ther do /Go
My heart will go on DerShiun Studio DerShiun Studio E-mail:dershiun@ms17.hinet.net
DON'T LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON ME ;Elton John / Bernie Taupin Back Vocal
/Ma chine gun is ready to go. \Are you rea dy? Are you rea dy for this?
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPapa Don't Preach @TMadonna @TKen Vong (synergy@express.ca) \Pa pa I know you're going...
could this be /You're not here with me /You nev er said good bye /Some one tell me wh y /Did you have to go
\Why she had to go I don't know, she would n't say.
you do \But just a pas time for you /I could ne ver be \And I nev er know girl /If I should stay or go
ry day ~ /It's plain to see I'm cold and heart sick /Since you turned and walked a way ~ \I just keep go
\Wake up in the morn in', /see your sun rise loves to go down.
how /I can't re mem ber why /I'm ly ing here to night \And I can't stand the pain /And I can't make it go