About 772 results
I e ver lose my fa ith in you /The re'd be nothing left fo r me to do \Some would say I was a lost man
Palleschi @LENGL @TAPURO1 \Daniel's karaoke 2001 /Son by four - A pu ro dolor \Per do na si te es toy /lla man
Elvis Hawaiian Wedding
\Woo -hoo, wit chy wo man, see how high she flies.
sai lor /I went out on the sea for ad ven ture \Ex pan ding the view /Of the cap tain and crew /Like a man
\Wo man, have you no mer cy? /Have you no love? \Have you no tears? /Wo man, have you no pi ty?
eyes /How can I ex plain /The fear you feel in si de /'Cause you were born /In to this ev il world /Where man
/A rich old man and she /won't have to worr y; \she'll dress up all in /lace and go in style.
/Make a one man weep /make an oth er man sing. \Change of heart to a lit tle white dove.
\Hark, now hear the an gels sing, /a new King born to day, \and Man will live for ev er more, /be cause of
RACH.MAN?NOFF ·Ott:li noll; r fLu Vt:.u. 'e an d P'lAn:? U lI'lJ .I\ul J} HTTP://CUPU.H RD 81. NE T 2- Cf'BSC. Hl3?_t?
/Will pow er be down and go /A wo man's mind told me that's so /Oh how I wish we were back on the road
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @IFile created with EasyKar95 @I(c) 1996-1997 V. Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.c...
\I am a wo man in love /and I'll do a ny thing \to get you in to my world /and
la foi re de l'est pour deux pom mes /Une pe tite taupe mon père m'avait a che tée \Sou dain la chat te man
my self /I seem like so meone else \I don't know how to take this /I don't see why he moves me /He's a man
fa mily and they need you there \Though I've tried to re sist be ing last on you list /But no oth er man
\Here comes John ny sing ing I got a wo man /down in the tun nels trying to make it pay.
for migh ty dread /Had seized their trou bled mind; /"Glad ti dings of great joy I bring /To you and all man
\Fight for your own e man ci pa tion! \A rise ye slaves of eve ry na tion \in One U nion Grand! \Our