About 868 results
if this is wrong im sorry im english
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TALWAYS @Tby Erasure @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \O pen your e y es I...
"You Light Up My Life" is a ballad written by Joseph Brooks, and originally recorded by Kasey Cisyk for the soundtrack a...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @ILyrics entered by Francis Li @ISequence by: H...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTAKE A BOW @TMa...
LemnTree @KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @ILyrics entered by Veikko Hoffmeister @Ie-...
Copacabana ou Copacabana (At the Copa) est une chanson d'amour américaine de samba brésilienne-disco, de Barry Manilow,...
@TDisassembling this file in any way is prohibited. @TNot For Commercial Use. @TArranged by Bunty Pritchard Jones.
feel like I'm clinging to a cloud \I can't un der stand /I get mis ty just hold ing your hand \Walk my way
by the road /With a hea vy load /From the seeds he sowed /And if you see your sist er /fall ing by the way
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I saw her to day /I saw her face /It was a face of love /And I knew, I had to run a way
\Well East Coast girls are hip /I real ly dig those styles they wear /And the South ern girls with /the way
made you sad /Some peo ple can be bad /The things they do, the things they say \But ba by /I'll wipe a way
SHIVAREE. Goodnight Moon K
/I i i in your eyes there is no hope for to mo rrow /How I hate to see you like this /There is no way