About 773 results
@TArtist: ABBA @TSequenced by: Dan West \Ooh ooo ooo /You can dance /You can jive /Hav ing the time of your life
/And it seems to me you lived your life \like a can dle in the wind /Ne ver fading with the sun set /when
one el se's hand /What we share is ma gic /Hea ven had a plan \Sent from up a bove /So much love /In my life
\Fe el ings, for all my life I'll feel it.
Home Country Roads @TJohn Denver \All most heav en, West Virg in ia /Blue Ridge Mount ains, Shan an do ah Riv er /Life
ding her hand /I am lost /Dy ing to un der stand /Did n't I che rish you right /Don't you know you were my life
al cur tain /my friend, I'll say it clear \I'll state my case, /of which I'm cer tain /I've lived a life
Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com @T Juin 2004 \If I could re cap ture /All of the me mo ries /And bring them to life
the world must come to ge ther as one \There are peo ple dy ing /Oh and it's time to lend a hand to life
brate /Ho li day Ce le brate \If we took a ho li day /Took some time to ce le brate \Just one day out of life
@W{M} = Male, {F} = Female, {MF} = Both \{M} /Look at this face /I know the years are show ing \Look at this life
ly "Girl, I like your face" /and Mol ly says this as she takes him by the hand \Ob- la- di ob- la- da, life
fra gile and stripped to the core /I can't hurt you a~ a~ a ny more \Loved by nu~ u~ um bers /You loo sing, life's
\Time, I've been pass ing time /watch ing trains go by /all of my life.
My head is still in the clouds /I dream with o pen eyes /Sud den ly out of no where /She came in to my life
Software - Bitonto (Italy) @E-mail: mdr@pangeanet.it @LENGL @Tendless love @T \My Love /there's on ly you in my life
@LENGL @TBOHEMIAN RHAPSODY @TQueen \Is this the real life? Is this just fan ta sy?
And why do they al ways say \Don't look back /Keep your head he ld high /Don't as k the m why /Be cau se life
\Oh the morn ing sun in all its glo ry, /Greets the day with hope and com fort too, /And you fill my life
o oh oh \Oh if she called me I'd be there /I'd come run ning a ny wh e re \She's all I need, a ll my life