About 877 results
\I'm sing in' in the rain, /just sing in' in the rain. \What a glo ri ous feel ing, /I'm hap py a gain.
care \oh yes You will al ways be /My End less Love \Two hearts /two hearts that beat as one \Our lives has just
you did n't want me /Some times you can't go back /Why'd you have to go and make a mess /like th at \I just
love at first sight \I never knew those words were true /'Til you walked in to o night \All it took was just
Dolan - kar by Mike M (1/3/00) \We walked to the sea /Just my fa ther and me /And the dogs played a round on
/We just get ting start ed /don't you tip toe.. tip to e...
you help me st a nd /if I saw you in hea ven /I'll find my way /through night and day /'Cause I know I just
/It's just a sil ly phase I'm go ing through.
/Man, I'm just tir ed and bored with my self \Hey there ba by, /I could use just a lit tle help.
su~ u~ ure \I want to re con cile /the vi o lence in your heart /I want to re co gnize /your beau ty's not just
ry ea sy liv ing all a lone /My friends try to tell me find a man of my own \But each time I try I just
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TAGAINST ALL ODDS (TAKE A LOOK AT ME NOW) @TPhil Collins \How can I just
so ma ny things I want to say \I will al ways love you /I will ne ver leave you a lone \Some times I just
halfway /I can't go a ny fur ther then this /I want you so ba dly, it's my bi ggest wish \I s pent my ti me just
I Just Can't Wait to Be King Bottle Blow Ch. 1 FX Guitar " Ch. 2 FX Piccolo Ch. 3 FX Slow Strings Ch. 4 FX Grand Piano Ch
/Just an old sweet song /keeps Geor gia on my mind. \Talk in' 'bout Geor gia, I'm in Geor gia.
/People to see, time is precious /I look at my crowd and they out of control /Just like my m
Xtina : Just got something on my mind.
Sequence by GSR \It's an oth er Te qui la Sun rise /Star in' slow ly 'cro ss the sk y /Said good bye /He was just