About 97 results
/The same rou tine most eve ry day /Ex cept I guess I see my folks much more.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TCabaret @TLiza Minelli \What good is sitt ing /a lone in your room /Come hear the
\The time has come for clos ing books a
tell you of a lit tle boy /who lived a cross the way /this lit tle fel la's Christ mas /is just an oth er day
a go in Beth le hem, /so the Hol y Bib le say, /Mar y 's boy child Jes us Christ, /was born on Christ mas Day
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @Lengl @TThis is my life @Ikar by Derek \Funny how a lonely day, /can make a person say
/Look how far we've come my ba by. \We might a took the long way. /We knew we'd get there some day.
Mike M \Night time slows, rain drops splash rain bows /Per haps some one you know could spark le and shine /Day
@TSequenced by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \We are down, we're cra zy fools /Eve ry day at school.
/Does your memory stray /to a bright summer day /when I kissed you and /called you sweet heart?
\On the day that you were born /The an gels got to gether /And de cid ed to cre ate a dream come true /So
Helen @TABBA \So at last you're free /It's the way you want ed it to be /And the price you paid /To be come
just help each o ther /Is n't there e nough to share \There's got to be a way /To con nect this wo rld to day
Kidsongs Kids @TRRME & FREEMIDI.ORG \Make way for Nod dy, /He toots his horn to say, /Make way for Nod dy, /Come
play \If you think you're get ting a way \I will prove you wrong \I'll take you all the way, \boy just come
/Dig in the danc ing queen \Fri day night /and the lights are low /Look ing out for a place to go /Oh, where
like pigs from a gun /see how they fly /I'm cry ing \Sit ting on a corn flake /Wai ting for the van to come
/You're shak ing my con fi dence dai ly /Oh Ce cil ia, I'm down on my knees \I'm begg ing you please to come
someone to sing me his song /So ma ny dreams, I kept deep in side me /A lone in the dark, /but now you've come
a girl like you /With a girl like yo u /Lord knows there are things we can do ba by /Just me and you /Come