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entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI Will @TBy the Beatles \Who knows how long I've loved you /You know I love
Jane /When I see you a gain /Your ser vant am I \And with hum bly re main /Just heed this plea, my love
\Drown in' in the sea of love /where ev 'ry one would love to drown. \But now it's gone.
lit tle ca ble cars /Cli mb half way to the stars \The mo rn ing fog ma y chill the air /I don't care \My love
/Be tween the part ed pag es /and were pressed in /love's hot fe vered iron /like a striped pair of pants.
/We've on ly got each oth er to blame; /it's all the same to me love \'cause I know , what I feel to
\My love waits there in San Fran cis co, /a bove the %- %+
\I'm al ways trav 'lin, I love be ing free, /And so I keep lea ving the sun and the sea, /But my heart