About 208 results
俄罗斯民歌 薛范译配 1、在那空荡荡的田野上, 只见月亮在飘荡。 它在高高天空闪银光, 照得田野亮堂堂。 2、我那长头发上结了霜, 雪花扑在我脸上。 快来迎接我吧,好姑娘, 等在你家大门旁。 3、明亮的眼睛朝我心...
I said young man, /when you're short on your dough \you can stay there, and I'm sure you will find /ma ny
I was young it did n't stop com ing through (oh wa oh wa) \They took the cre dit for your se cond sym pho ny
B站传送:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1q54y1p7Ny?p=2 是鉴于这一个midi更改而来:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRqfwEZX5OA
I Believe ...GlowCanPick I Believe sequenced July27,1999 GlowCanPick@ny.freei.net Canfield
Spears> @T<copyright> \This Kit ten Got Your Tong /Tied In Knots I See /Spit It Out Cuz /Im Dy ing For Com pa ny
歌词取自涅克拉索夫的诗篇《三套车》,发表在他主编的《当代人》杂志1848年第一期上。 俄罗斯民歌 尼·涅克拉索夫词 薛范译配 1、为什么凝望着大路前面, 全不顾女友们在身边? 为什么你的心慌乱地跳动? 突然间红晕晕浮上脸。...
/Some thing in side of me, /star ted a sym pho ny, /Zing! went the strings of my heart. /'Twas like a
\You will be my mu sic, /I can't wait a ny lon ger if I'm
莫斯科郊外的晚上 爵士版
来自俄罗斯国歌博物馆(Russian Anthems Museum) 转载自Wiki Commons 本来用来测试自己写的红石音乐生成器的,发现网上并找不到,于是传上来
《战斗仍将继续》是1974年阿列克桑德拉·尼柯莱耶夫娜·巴赫慕托娃(Александра Николаевна Пахмутова)同志作曲,苏联著名诗人尼·多布龙拉沃夫同志作词的一首俄语歌曲。首次出现在1974年苏联共青团十七大闭幕式上。...
15th February 2011 \There is a house in New Or leans /They call the Ris ing Sun /It 's been the ru in of ma ny
friends think I'm an aw ful bore /Ev er since I fell in love with you /Eydie: I'm not well round ed a ny
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou Light up my life @TLeAnn Rhimes @nieleav \So ma ny nights, I'd sit by my window
Gridley, Waterloo, NY Duett and Quarette
I was pet ri fied /Kept thin kin' I could ne ver live /with out you by my side \But then I spent so ma ny
my chan ces \Went the dis tance, now I'm back on my feet /Just a man and his will to sur vive \So ma ny
end /Don't say good night to love /It may ne ver be the same a gain \Don't say it, don't say it /Say a ny
stu~ u~ um ble /In my hands they crum ble /And fra gile and stripped to the core /I can't hurt you a~ a~ a ny