About 1101 results
you can count me out /Don't you know it's gon na be al right /Al right Al right \You say you got a real so
you, ba by /Can you get e nough of me \To night I wan na give it all to you /In the dark ness /There's so
/So I make the same re quest now... \Eve ry single night ...
rance is kind /There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so
Na na na Come on /Na na na na na Come on /Na na na Come on Come on Come on /Na na na na na \Feels so
\Why am I so e mo tion al? /No, it's not
@I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some times it gets so
heart in to eve ry thing you do \And it makes me sad for the lone ly pe o ple /I walked that road for so
TSummer Nights @TGREASE John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John \Summer lov in' had me a blast /summer lov in', happened so
much make up /That my dress is too tight /You got no rea sons to be jeal ous /I've nev er been un true /So
y \I will foll ow him /Foll ow him wher ev er he may go /There is n't an oce an too deep \Or mount ains so
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Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some times it gets so
Productions, ejes 1997 \Hearts gone a stray /Lea ving hurt when they go \I went a way /Just when you need me so
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou Really Got Me @TThe Kinks \Girl you reall y got me go ing /You got me so I don't
ima gi na a lou cu ra /O ser hu ma no es tá na maior fis su ra por que /Tá ca da vez mais down no hit so
ligh ts out /When I clo se my eyes /Rea li ty o ver co mes me /I'm liv ing a lie \When I'm a lone /I feel so
Of Love @TPhil Collins \When I'm feel ing blue, all I have to do /Is take a look at you, then I'm not so
\They call it stormy Mon day, /but Tues day's just as b a d \Lord and Wednes day's worse, /Thurs day's oh so