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the kind of world /Where we be long \You know it's gon na make it /That much bet ter /When we can say "Good
\You'll have bad times /and he'll have good times, /do 'in things that you don't un der stand.
/It must have been good, /but I lost it some how. \It must have been love, but it's o ver now.
\You'll have bad times /and he'll have good times, /do in' things that you don't un der stand.
\I'm say in' all the things that I know you'll like, /mak in' good con ver sa tion.
ter \if it's gone /While the sun is bright /or in the dark est night \No one knows, /she comes and goes /Good
away and leave you all a lone /I got a bad de sire \Ohhh hhh hhh, I'm on fire /Tell me now baby is he good
\Tho we got ta say good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love
Entered by GSR @TMIDI Sequence by GSR \It's an oth er Te qui la Sun rise /Star in' slow ly 'cro ss the sk y /Said good
It's a good tune and fits the game quite perfectly I'd say... What can I say? Listen to this often!!
TThe Beatles \I on ce had a girl, /or should I say /she on ce had me \She show ed me her room, /Isn't it good
EMI International rights secured @LENGL @TALWAYS ON MY MIND @TPet Shop Boys \May be I did n't treat you /quite as good
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCANDLE IN THE WIND @TElton John \Good