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\Still in peace ful dreams I see /the road leads back to you.
Un Sueno en la Floresta (A dream in the garden of flowers) By Augustin Barrios Mangoré Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
/No more false hoods or de ri sions, /gol den li ving dreams of vi sions, /mys tic crys tal re
ing back /Save yo ur tears you've got years and years \The pains of sev en teens /Un real they're on ly dreams
that may be all I need to know \{F} /Look at these eyes /They've ne ver see what mat ter \Look at these dreams
pick you up when you fall /Who's gon na hang it up when you call \Who's gon na pay at ten tion to your dreams
By UNTAR's Dream Hyperpop MIDI Pack
\Some times the most beau ti ful thing, /the most in no cent thing, \And man y of those dreams pass us by,
Animusic pipe dream
\I've been hid ing all my hopes and dreams a w ay, /Just in case I ev er need 'em a gain some day.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMI CHICO LATINO @TGERI HALLIWELL \I've got a se cret /I can not keep it /It's just...
and un der stand ing /Sym pa thy and trust a bound ing /No more false hoods or de ris ions \Gold en liv ing dreams
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBED OF ROSES @TBon Jovi @TKar made by Cowon MacLeod @WThis song @Wmay be used for non-comm...
and under stand ing /Sym pa thy and trust a bound ing /No more false hoods or de ris ions /Gold ing liv ing dreams
leave you fall i ng /If the mo ment ev er co me s \It's plain t o see it's try ing to speak /Cher ished dreams
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \Sign a name, /sign a way eve ry ho ur, /eve ry day /You're liv ing your dream /Play the...