About 1105 results
\So don't g
I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TCAN'T STAND LOSING YOU @TThe Police \I've called you so
took a ho li day /Took some time to ce le brate \Just one day out of life /It would be, it would be so
tú su pie ras que /te quie ro a mar /que hasta el cie lo /te quie ro lle var /**CORO** / /no me de jes so
@LENGL @TDRIVE @TCars \Who's gon na tell you when it's too late /Who's gon na tell you things aren't so great
\So this is X mas /And what have you done \Ano ther year o ver /And a new one just be gun \And so this is
/So beat it, just beat it. \You bet ter run, you bet ter do what you can. %- %+
rance is kind /There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so
@TRUNAWAY @Tby Del Shannon \As I walk a long /I won der what went wrong \With our love /a love that was so
\So I be gin %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %- %-
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCROCODILE ROCK @TElton John & Bernie Taupin \I re me mber when rock was young /Me and Su sie had so
\I'm laugh ing at clouds /so dark up a bove. \The sun's in my heart /and I'm read y for love.
/You've been the sweetest part of my life for so long. /I look in your eyes there's a dis tant light.
fee lin' /I was back in the old days, /long a go \When we were kids, when we were young /Things seemed so
/que en con tra mos num se gun do /As ve zes mui to per to /de se ja mos en con trá la /No en tan to é pre ci so
SIGN @TAce Of Base @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \I got a new life you would har dly re cog nize me /I'm so
to o night \All it took was just one look /To knock me off of my fe et \I'm not a man of ma ny wo rds /So
if she called me I'd be there /I'd come run ning a ny wh e re \She's all I need, a ll my life /I feel so
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE SING @TAce Of Base \I got a new life you would har dly re cog nize me /I'm so
karaoke.html \É pe na que vo cê pen sa que eu sou seu es cra vo /Di zen do que eu sou seu ma ri do /E não pos so