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/I spend the day your way. \Call it morn ing driv ing thru the sound /in and out the val ley.
. / And you know it's Fri day too. / I hope you can find the time / this week end to re lax and un wind.
动画《世界大明星/World Dai Star》第12集插曲
leads a lone ly life /She leads a lone ly life \When she woke up late in the mor ning light /and the day
\It's a nice day to start a gain /It's a nice day for a white wedd ing /It's a nice day to start a gain
Rides a kid with a knack /For in ven tion /With a su per powered mind /A mec ha nical ca nine /Res cues the day
llanera song
Man is a fai ry /tale they say /He was made of snow but the /child ren know how he came /to life one day
仿8位音乐 auricoms riot - Dubmood
ye mer ry, gent le men; /let noth ing you dis may /Re mem ber Christ our Sav i or /was born on Christ mas Day
Ev 'ry bo dy needs a lit tle time a way /I've heard her say /From each oth er \Ev en lov ers need a hol i day
/And then some day, /You'd leave me for some bod y new.
出处:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5yymTRSFXY 曲目列表(1~20): 00:00 Dimension Tripper 00:23 only my railgun 00:40...
@TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Sun ny, /Yes ter day my life was filled with rain.
\I guess they un der stand /How lonely life has been /But life began with him \The day you took my hand \And
lip stick /Put ting on a big cha ra ~ade /So dif fi cult to keep pre ten ding /It's get ting har der ev' ry day
/Eve ry move you make \Eve ry bond you break /Eve ry step you take /I'll be wat ching you \Eve ry sin gle day
在新年的到来之际,为大家带来这首Auld Lang Syne。祝大家新的一年里也能和亲友们共同前行,平平安安,事事如意_(:з」∠)_ Auld Lang Syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是古苏格兰方言,直译做英文是"old lon...
在8th LIVE DAY3时被Poppin'Party正式翻唱 在9th LIVE时实现了两团合唱