About 1029 results
\Though it don't say much /And it won't of fend /If you sing it at school /They're lia ble to send you
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @TMariah Carey - Sent from up above @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 20041 \I don't
\I've called you so ma ny times to day /and I guess it's all true /what your girl friends say \that you don't
\Bit ter sweet me mo ries /that is all I'm ta king with me \So good bye, please don't cry /We both know I'm
TSUSSUSDIO @TPhil Collins \There's this girl that's been on my mind /All the time, Sus su sud i o oh oh \Now she don't
was modified from Bob's original MIDI file version in one or more of the following ways (with his written permission) by Don
/Would it be the s a me /if I saw you in hea ven /I must be strong and car ry on /'Cause I kn ow I don't
were young /The sun was al ways shi nin', we just lived for fun \Some times it seems like lat ely, I just don't
03-muse_2009-undisclosed_desires-[k] @LENGL \I know you've suf fered, /But I don't want you to hide, /It's cold
else should I be \All a po lo gies /What else should I say /E very one is gay /What else could I write /I don't
and I vo ry live to ge ther in per fect har mo ny /side by side on my pia no key board, /oh Lord, why don't
Don't get veclempt or anything. Until next time...
a lone \Some times I just for get /say things I might re gret /It breaks my heart to see you cry ing \I don't
EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TMoon River - Danny Williams @Tseq by Don
down /What's go ing on /in that beau ti ful mind /I'm on your mag i cal /mys ter y ri de /And I'm so diz zy /don't
\Tr y to un der stand wh y, /Don't get so close to change my mind.
\Re lax, don't do it. /When you want to go to it. \Re lax, don't do it, /when you want to come.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSweet home Chicago @TBlues Brothers @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \C' MON BABY, BA BY DON'T
DON'T ASK ME WHY ;David Stewart / Annie Lennox Back Vocal