About 877 results
\You're just a prod uct of love li ness. /I like the groove of your walk, your talk, /your dress. \I
\I got ta han dle you just right, /you know what I mean.
/Your blood like win ter free zes just like ice, \And there's a cold lone ly light /that shines from you.
\Don't ques tion why she needs /to be so free /Tell you it's the on ly \way to be /She just can't be chain
\I'm sing in' in the rain, /just sing in' in the rain. \What a glo ri ous feel ing, /I'm hap py a gain.
back /Where there is love, I'll be there \I'll reach out my hand to you /I'll have faith in all you do /Just
knees \She's an ea sy lov er /She'll take your heart but you won't feel it \She's like no o ther /And I'm just
mind /To live in mem o ry /Of old lone some times /I Can't Stop Want ing You /It's use less to say /So I'll just
/The sun is gone \but I have a light /The day is done /but I'm hav in' fun \I think I'm dumb /or may be just
/And did you think you could just /take it all a way?
through ough ough /that hyp no tize me /through ough ough /And I ran ah an /I ran so far /a way ay ay /I just
ry ea sy liv ing all a lone /My friends try to tell me find a man of my own \But each time I try I just
Rolling Stones \My sweet La dy Jane /When I see you a gain /Your ser vant am I \And with hum bly re main /Just
\And if I can't find my way back home /It just would n't be fair, /'Cause pre cious and few are the mo
TArtist: Leo Sayer @TSequenced by: Dan West \You've got a cute way of talk ing /You've got the bet ter of me /Just
@LENGL @LENGL \You say it's all in my head, /And the things I think just don't make sense.