About 1064 results
you're out of sight yeah /Show me how you want it to be /Tell me ba by 'cause I need to know now /what we've
And pull us through it all \And this is the end, the end /This is the end /Of the World \And it's time we
Ranger Theme Song (long version) MIDI Whoever made Galaxy Rangers Galaxy Rangers... another one of those animation series we
ing me ev ery thing in side and out /Love's strange so real in the dark /Think of the tender things /That we
TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Just a per fect day, /Drink San gri a in the park, /And then later, when it gets dark, We
\Fe un ton bpai sia we lah plao.. /Chah reu rew gaw puat rao /Feun ton bp
\But we both /Know the truth /Is hard to come by. \And if I /Told the truth, /That's not quite true.
g \How can I /each time I try /to say good bye \You were there /you look my way /I touch the sky \We
/Are you sor ry we drifted apart?
You've got to have an ace in the hole /A lit tle se cret that no bod y knows \Life is a gam ble, a game we
By @TAndy Williams (H.David/Bacharach) \If you see me walk ing down the street /And I start to cry each time we
to say "I like Cho pin" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain y days ne ver say good bye /To de sire when we
ride /A whole new world /A new fantastic point of view /No one to tell us no /Or where to go /Or say we're
diers pas sing by /Listen ing to the wind of cha nge \The world is clo sing in /Did you e ver think /That we
\The old er she gets, /the slow er we go. \But there ain't noth in' /wrong with the rad i o.
\(When we do it) you're ne ver there. /(When you show it) just stop and stare.
gine, you're too fa mi liar /And I don't see you a ny more \I would not leave you in times of trou ble /We
/Just let it die /With no good byes /De tails don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You
mer ry litt le Christ mas /Make the Yule tide gay /From now on, our troub les will be miles a way \Here we