About 1002 results
Ham mer of the gods /will drive our ships to new lands, \To fight the hordes, and sing and cry, /Val hal la
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TLady Jane @TThe Rolling Stones \My sweet La dy Jane /When I
en fants qui s'é lancent /U ne même ap pa rence /Des é clats de so leil /Des ray ons d'in no cence \A vant la
\Gow prow a shan nai chuang ni /Ngarn man jung man jung pen ba /Le uy mai koi mi welum we la /Ja pai ter
porteira (Sérgio Reis) @T(Solo by Marcos Morais) @T(karaoke by Lucia Maria H.Matos Leite) \To da vez que eu vi a ja va /Pe la
West Vir gin ia Mount ain ma ma /Take me home Count ry Road \All my memor ies gath er 'round her /Min er's la
\There's a la dy who's sure /all that glit ters is gold, /and she's buy ing a stair way to heav en.
@ctv.es @W Me siento terríblemente solo sin tí \A Lis bo a /en tren de lu jo /yo via ja ba \y a mi la
\But I was ne ver gon na be the same /What a la dy, what a night!
J a i m e z / \La gente an da /di cien do por a hí /que tú qui sie ras /a cercar te a mi /Si tú su pie ras
TRRME & MIDICUY \Ka wan a ku su dah da tang /A yo ki ta men ja ga bu mi i ni /Se mua ber kum pul di si ni /Ki ta la
\The la dy in red /is danc ing with me /cheek
\Tu che scen di bel la /co me non mai /so no an ni che so gna vo \sta sto ria lo sai /sen to il cuo re che
seng ke ta /Pen ce ra ian men ga ki bat kan ben ca na /Pa da an ak an ak mu /Yang tan pa pan du an /Lihat lah tau la
\Con ti go, mi vi da, /quie ro vi vir la vi
\Co mo rí e la vi da /si tus o jos ne gros /me quie ren mi rar...
zen do que eu sou seu ma ri do /E não pos so par tir /Co mo as pe dras i mó veis na prai a /Eu fi co ao teu la
day /when feel ings run too high /to work out /all the stale ter rain /e mo tions try to hide /when I try \la
fair is an /ho nored pro mise /Jus tice if you're /still there /I will have /my fair share \Jus tice seems a la