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原版B站UP鸽潭一姐: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15Z421i7TQ/ 自制,仅供个人学习娱乐用,请勿商用,使用及转载请credit我 这是FF14游戏内演奏版本,原版cover请移步→:
Ryan Talk to me 向我倾诉吧 Spill the secrets you've been keepin' 吐露你埋藏于心底的秘密 Life cuts deep 生活纵然布满荆棘 Let me help pick up
.html 【Bad Guy】https://www.midishow.com/midi/68678.html 【Let it Go】https://www.midishow.com/midi/68212.html 【Wake Me Up
根据B站up主“旅行者小谱”所发布的曲谱分享视频“BV1gs4y1Z7L7”在Studio One 6所制作的MIDI文件,供各位使用!
Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TI WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY @TWhitney Houston \Clock strikes up
转载自哔哩哔哩up“反对司令" 原作Rayons (レイヨン) 扒谱:反对司令
you push me past the break ing point /I should do not a thing so I fell for e very thing \You held me down but I got up
YT: Aki Be [ Transpose: Shift one semitone up | Key: D3 ] ½öÃÃFF14ÃÃÃà ùÃà byÃÃÃÃ
see you 转过身来 让我好好看着你 Wanna free you with my rhythm 想要你与我跟随节奏纵情自由 I know you can't get enough 我深知你不会轻易满足 When I turn up
看完边缘行者emo了两天 这首纯爱神曲当年在游戏里并不是最喜欢的(电台里好听的歌太多了) 但现在被David和Lucy赋予了新的情绪在里面 *本midi仅适合FF14玩家用于网络游戏最终幻想14吟游诗人演奏系统* 改自钢琴cover,原UP
Up - Shania Twain
pan.baidu.com/s/1uXNlXNYh0cudC0Za3_3maw 提取码2887,压缩包密码是我的ID 当前进度工程的展示视频→https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1F24y1E7BT/ 首先声明一下,这个工程是up
Sister moon Set-Up Basso Warm Pad -Canto- Archi Sax Flauto Sax Sax Drums
3stages 8bit 使用例:“选语言BGM.mp3” 作者:ザイオン 发布页:https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play09611.html 该曲目的重大事件: 该曲目最近一次于bilibili up
/I love to wake up in the morn in', /See the sun come up a dawn in' /In At lan ta, G. A.
loud not saying much 我声如洪钟,却沉默寡言 I'm criticized 我饱受指责 But all your bullets ricochet 却无视你的攻击 Shoot me down, but I get up
当玩家将全体敌人逼至倒地状态后,可以进入“HOLD UP”模式,选择总攻击或者进行“交涉”。 若交涉成功可以入手道具或者金钱或者将敌人化为主人公的人格面具。
Guitar pro file : https://www.up-4ever.net/o4h9oufcdbhx Pass: DownloadmeKudasai With vocal added download on mega is no