About 1058 results
The Bard's Song : In the Forest Bard's Song Completed at 17 September 1998 it's not a real complete version , becaus...
/When you want to go to it. \Re lax, don't do it, /when you want to come.
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLonesome Town @TRicky Nelson @Tkar: Joe (The Walrus) Wallace \There's a place where love rs go
o' clock /and we're in troub le deep \Wake up litt le Suz ie /Wake up litt le Suz ie \Well what are they go
there /Love, on ly love /Can break down the wa ll some day /I will be there, I will be there \If we'd go
oes of my mind /Peo ple stop and stare /I can't see their fa ces /On ly the shad ows of their eyes \I'm go
ring \You step in side but you /don't see too ma ny fa ces \Com ing in out of the rain /to hear the jazz go
\Sé lo que ten go que Ha cer pa ra con se guir /que tu es tés lo co por mí.
revealed.net rada@revealed.net : ) : ) @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBluer Than Blue @TMichael Johnson \Af ter you go
/I was soft in si d e there was some thing go in' o n /You do some thing to me that I can't ex pla i n /Hold
to das las pro me sas de mi amor /Se ir嫕 con ti go, /Me ol vi da ras, me ol vi da ras.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LFRANCAIS @TChez "LAURETTE" @TMichel delpech \A sa fa çon de nous appe ler ses gos ses /On
TSTAIRWAY TO HEAVEN @TLED ZEPPELIN @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \There's a La dy who's sure all that /glit ters is go
/A rich old man and she /won't have to worr y; \she'll dress up all in /lace and go in style.
Mitchell \I came up on a child of God /He was walk ing a long the road /And I asked him "Where are you go
\Good morn ing, good morn ing, good morn ing ah \Go ing to work don't want to go feel ing low down.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TKANSAS CITY @TFats Domino \I'm going to Kansas Ci ty /Kan sas Ci ty, here I come \...
sky /When the weath er's fine /You got wom en, you got \wom en on your mind /Have a drink, have a drive /Go
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLeaving On A Jet Plane @TJohn Denver \All my bags are packed, I'm rea dy to go, /I'm
\Wake up in the morn in', /see your sun rise loves to go down.