About 1087 results
/Hey, hey, we're the Monk ees /And peop le say we monk ey a round.
/Cuz u got the burn in' des ire /It's your time \U got the horn so why don't u blow it /U are fine /U're
Thailand Ev er since I was a kid at school I messed a round with all the rules A pol o gised then re
@LENGL @TA LITTLE RESPECT @TErasure \I try to dis co ver /A lit tle some thing /To make me sweet er \Oh ba by re
shore /Give you the world /if it was mine /Blow you right to my door /Oh oh, feels fine /Feels like /You're
near /You were so sin cere /Treat me like you did /The night be fore \Last night is the night /I will re
I went out on the sea for ad ven ture \Ex pan ding the view /Of the cap tain and crew /Like a man just re
No se re-venden, ni copian, ni alquilan midis obtenidos u ofrecidos de otro
the name of l o ve /What more in the name of love /One man caught on a barbed wire fence /One man he re
cars /Cli mb half way to the stars \The mo rn ing fog ma y chill the air /I don't care \My love waits the re
tribu DANA @Tauthor \Le vent souf fle sur les plaines /de la Bre tagne Ar mo ri caine, /Je jette un der nier re
down and /melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you \wish your tir ed feet were fi re
\I thought that I was over you /How I was mis ta ken \Why did I bump in to you /And start this chain re
That I shall hear for ev er more \"Nev er more" /Thus quoth the ra ven, "nev er more" \And still the ra ven re
\Hey sweet ba by, /Don't you think may be /We could find us a brand new re ci pe.
/I re memb er doing the time warp /Drink ing those mom ents when /The Black ness would hit me /The void would
built like that \I go through guys like mon ey fly in out their hands /They try to change me but they re
STORM @TThe Doors @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \Ri ders on the storm /Ri ders on the storm \In to this house we're
gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You go strol ling through the crowd /like Pe ter Lor re
know Dash er and Danc er and Pranc er /and Vix en /Com et and Cup id and Donn er and Blitz en /But do you re