About 1132 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TFire and Rain @TJames Taylor \Just yest er day morn ing /they let me know you were
by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TORDINARY WORLD @TDuran Duran \Came in from a rain y Thurs day
ing \Sit ting on a corn flake /Wai ting for the van to come \Cor po ra tion tea shirt, stu pid bloo dy tues day
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TGEORGIA ON MY MIND @TRay Charles \Geor gia, Geor gia, the whole day
Simon And Garfunkel Mother And Child Reunion
\Don't you feel it grow in' day by day, /peo ple get tin' read y for the news.
the wall \If she's gone I can't go on /Fee ling two foot small \E very where peo ple stare /Each and e very day
/The bright bles sed day, the dark sac red night. /And I think to my self what a won der ful world.
Generated by GNMIDFMT 1.0 demo version during 5 days free testing phase
indonesian pop song
/We're gon na rock, rock, rock, /'til b road day light. \We'
"Good night" /And stay to ge ther \Would n't it be nice /If we could wake up /In the morn ing /When the day
TLEMON TREE - Fool's Garden / I'm sit ting here / In a bor ing room, / It's just a no ther rai ny sun day
dy's free to feel good /Eve ry bo dy's free \Bro ther and sis ter /To ge ther we'll make it through \Some day
back a gain \They're com ing to A mer i ca /Home, don't it seem so far a way \Oh, we're trav el ing light to day
Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TCAN'T STAND LOSING YOU @TThe Police \I've called you so ma ny times to day
kno got to have one good girl whose always been there like ya /Kno took all the bull shit /then one day
/I figure it's a bout the happ i est \sound go in' down to day.