About 1060 results
@LENGL @TTHE SHOW MUST GO ON @TQueen \Em pty spa ces, what are we li ving for /A ban doned pla ces, I guess I
\I on ce had a girl, /or should I say /she on ce had me \She show ed me her room, /Isn't it good, Nor we
TFrank Sinatra \ Strang ers in the night ex chang ing glanc es, /won d'ring in the night what were the chanc es /we'd
WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TPrecious And Few @TClimax @TSequenced by Les Herrman \Pre cious and few are the mo ments we
world of laught er /A world of tears /It's a world of hopes /And a world of fears /There's so much that we
\You'll for get the sun /in his jel ous sky /as we walk in fields of gold.
heart with in \And I'm sure /that you're an an gel /in dis guise \Come take my hand /and to ge ther /we
and the Wailers \I wan na love you, /and treat you right /I wan na love you, /ev e ry day and ev e ry night /We'll
\With God as our Fa ther, /bro thers all are we. \Let me walk with my bro ther /in per fect har mo ny.
will be there /Love, on ly love /Can break down the wa ll some day /I will be there, I will be there \If we'd
ly blew my mind /It was love at first sight \'cause ba by when I heard you /For the first time I knew /We
so long I hard ly knew you /stan ding in the dark \Stay with me a while, I on ly wan na talk to you /We've
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TJOSIE @TSteely Dan \We're gon na break out the hats /And hoot ers when Jo sie comes
/How could we let it slip a way? \We've come too far to leave it all be hind. /How coul
wro n g /And some times it's right \For eve ry win /Some one must fail \But there comes a point when /When we
/We are .., li ving through , such trou bled times...
Loving You - Don Gibson @TRay Charles @TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Those hap py hours /That we
some thing to me that I can't ex pla i n /Hold me clos er and I feel no pain /ev' ry beat of my he art /We
\Those hap py hours /That we once knew /Though long a go, /They still make me blue \They say that time /Heals
1996 <<< \I think I final ly know you /I can see beyond your smile /I think that I can show you /That what we