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USING TEMPLATES This is a template that configures five tracks for
汤伯杞制作) Boqi Tang USING TEMPLATES This is a template that configures five
制作汤伯杞 Tang Boqi USING TEMPLATES This is a template that configures five
\Five pas sen gers set sail that day, /for a three ho ur tour, /A three ho ur tour.
\Lord I'm one, Lord I'm two, /Lord I'm three, Lord I'm four, /Lord I'm five hund red miles /a way from home
\Lord I'm one, Lord I'm two, \Lord I'm three, Lord I'm four, /Lord I'm five hund red miles /a way from home
the whist le /Blow a hund red miles \Lord I'm one Lord I'm two \Lord I'm three /Lord I'm four /Lord I'm five
Song for the Dumped moates10@scu.edu.au My second attempt at a Ben Folds Five tune.
'69 @TBryan Adams @Twritten by Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance \I got my first real six -string /Bought it at the five
Jen ny I got your num ber /I need to make you mi ne /Jen ny don't change your num ber \eight six se ven five
Jabatan Muzik USING TEMPLATES This is a template that configures five
作词 モモキエイジ 作曲 BNSI(佐藤貴文) 编曲 BNSI(トリ音) 演唱 THE IDOLM@STER FIVE STARS!!!!!
Christmas @TBing Crosby \It's beg inn ing to look a lot /like Christ mas /Eve ry where you go /Take a look in the Five
/If her dadd y's poor \just do what you feel /Speed a long the lane /You can dine on a \doll ar twen ty -five
I met you \I took you out, I shook you up and turned you a round /Turned you in to some one new \Now five
/Five, six, se ven o' clock, eight o' clock rock. \Nine, ten, e le ven o' clock, twelve o' clock rock.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TQueen Of Hearts @TJuice Newton \Mid night, /and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five