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Track 0 www.affirmationmusic.2ya.com
no bo dy, /To call my owww nnn /I'm so lone ly, \Yo /this one here goes out to all my play as out there /ya
Knock Three Times Hey girl, what ya doin' down there?
<< RINDU KAMI YA ROSUL - BIMBO >> Phone (021) 68791941 Generated by NAMIRA Composer Programing with Cakewalk Pro Audio v
tap gam bar wa jah mu /Si nar ma ta i tu /Li rik sen yu man mu /Per so na yang mem be lai /Wa jah mu ber ca ha ya
B站原曲:BV1Ya4y1E7pk 拟声眼镜先鸽了((
B站试听:BV1GN4y1A7gc B站合奏实录(第一版):BV1714y1h7YA 游戏实录(不完美):BV1RR4y1Q7Ps 游戏实录(这次完整了):BV1cR4y167vB Sairai真没之前那么短,所以重做了这个谱子,跟之前下载这个谱子的
/They say that time's sup posed to heal ya~ .. /But I ain't done mu ch heal ing.. \Hel lo~ ..
wa h id bey hib bak /Fid do ni a, wu toul om ri ba hib bak /Wif gar hak, fa r hak, a na gan bak /Wu b' om ri ya
I've of ten heard /That kind of ta lk be fore /It ne ver rains in Ca li for nia /But girl, don't they warn ya
Strophe B7 Que te importe que te ame Si tu no me quieres ya?
Composed by: Jun'ya Ota/ZUN 1998 (Professional Music Driver PMD by KAJA) Remade in tracker by: Aleksa Odzakovich/SP64/KirinoFM86
來源在musescore 有修改部分曲譜 適配lyred 偏移量2 100%音最準!! https://open.spotify.com/track/0GMt3niT8O4GinU8KNiQSe
/But you don't real ly, /Care for mu sic, do ya?
@TBryan Adams @TMis en paroles par Patty \When the feel in' is end ed /There ain't no use pre tend in' /Don't ya