About 101 results
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TCandle in the Wind @TTribute to Princess Diana by Elton John \Good
the love and laugh ter /See your self the morn ing af ter /Can't you see her eyes are mis ty /As she said good
\Bit ter sweet me mo ries /that is all I'm ta king with me \So good bye, please don't cry /We both know I'm
/So back to my room /And there in the gloom /I cry tears of good bye... /64X \A day in the life o
\We kiss the mor ning good bye, /but down in side /you know we ne ver know why.
men tal con fu sion \Used to say "I like Cho pin" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain y days ne ver say good
\Time can ne ver mend /the care less whis pers of a good friend \To the heart and mind, ig no rance is kind
/Good bye grey skies /Hel lo blue. /There's noth ing can hold me /When I hold you.
bags are packed, I'm rea dy to go, /I'm stand ing here out side the door /I hate to wake you up to say good
/Just let it die /With no good byes /De tails don't mat ter /We both paid the price /Tears in my eyes /You
Madonna @T.KAR file by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \When you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart good
@Tthe funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales on Saturday September 6 1997 @TMusic by Elton John - Words by Bernie Taupin \ Good
FILE @V0100 @IChris and Einstein <GUS> @I<<<Finland 96>>> @I"deep forest sounding" @LENGL @TJAMBALAJA @Tcountry by Chris \Good
ver a fter \Walk ing through an e mpty ho use /Tears in my eyes \Here is where the sto ry ends /This is good
ter \if it's gone /While the sun is bright /or in the dark est night \No one knows, /she comes and goes /Good
\Tho we got ta say good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love
Entered by GSR @TMIDI Sequence by GSR \It's an oth er Te qui la Sun rise /Star in' slow ly 'cro ss the sk y /Said good
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TCANDLE IN THE WIND @TElton John \Good