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You will risk /You will risk all their lives and their souls \And burn /You will burn /You will burn in hell
史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【影乐团】天启(ECV) https://www.midishow.com/
史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【1492征服天堂】Conquest Of Paradise https:/
【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【影乐团】天启(ECV) https://www.midishow.com/en-us/midi/33721
马克西姆同名钢琴演奏曲《出埃及记》 史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【1492征服天堂】Conquest Of
(注意win10下MIDI音序器解析可能出问题,推荐win7播放) 史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【1492
史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【燧発軍団】爱尔兰风笛 https://www.midishow.com/midi
史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【燧発軍団】西林克斯排笛 https://www.midishow.com/
注意在win10下一些播放软件的MIDI音序器解析混乱,推荐win7播放 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【1492征服天堂】Conquest
史诗收藏系列传送通道: 【史诗音乐】Two Steps From Hell https://www.midishow.com/midi/86697.html 【1492征服天堂】加强版 https://www.midishow.com
\O come, Thou Rod of Je ~ ~ sse, free /Thine own from Sa tan's ty ~ ~ ra nny /From depths of Hell thy peo
way /I heard the mis sion bell \And I was think ing to my self: /'This could be Hea ven or this could be Hell
@LENGL @TIMAGINE @TJohn Lennon \I ma gine there's no hea ven /It's ea sy if you try /No hell be low us \A bove
\Hit the top to geth er /Get y a with my spell /I'm gon na make my shot to night /Take you down to hell /
/You prom ise me heav en, /then put me through hell. \Chains of love got a hold on me.
Everyone Piano Two Steps from Hell Page IITotal 7 EveryonePiano.com www.EveryonePiano.com Everyone Piano Page 2/T otal 7
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSounds Of Silence @TSimon And Garfunkel \Hell o dark ness my old friend, /I've come to