About 120 results
night is o ver /This mas que rade is get ting ol der \Light are low, the cur tains down /There's no one here
girl /My heart says fol low through \But I know now /that I'm way down on your line, /But the wai ting here
Ha ven't see your fa ce be fore /Are you new in town \It's the same old line /Oh, e ve ry time \Are you here
/Uh huh hmmm \Now Adam told to Eve, "List en here to me, /don't you let me catch you mess in' /round that
were young \ \I'm walk in' in the rain /Tears are fal lin' and I feel the pa ~ ~ in \Wish 'in you were here
been cheat ed by you since I don't know when /So I made up my mind, it must come to an end /Look at me
@W************ Have Fun ************* \I get up, and nothing get s me down. /You got it tough.
So here it goes... the title song, "No Guts No Glory" or something, the long version, actually.
the places we've been /It's like you're still there /I live on those mo ments a gain /Wi shing you were here
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TAGAINST ALL ODDS (TAKE A LOOK AT ME
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TKANSAS CITY @TFats Domino \I'm going to Kansas Ci ty /Kan sas Ci ty, here I come \I'm
TBuddy Holly / Linda Ronstadt \It's so eas y to fall in love, /It's so eas y to fall in love \Peop le tell me
FILE @LENGL @TLeaving On A Jet Plane @TJohn Denver \All my bags are packed, I'm rea dy to go, /I'm stand ing here
I see you feel no pain /and all it seems /I won der what your do ing now, /I won der if you think /of me
on the side \And you can hear it in my ac cent when I talk /I'm an En glish man in New York \See me
Whisper @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEvanescence - Whisper @TCr殚 Par: BowserKar \Catch me as I fall /Say you're here
@TMichelle Branch @tKar By Woof \Turn it in side out so I can see /The part of you that's drif ting o ver me
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Thank you for com ing home /I'm sor ry that the chairs are all worn /I left them here
SNOWONTH (c) 1998 MIDI SONGS @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tsnow on the sahara @Tanggun \On ly tell me that you /still