About 100 results
\Time, I've been pass ing time /watch ing trains go by /all of my life.
\My love, /there's you on ly life /The on ly thing that's right \My first love, /your eve ry breath that
\You gave my life to me, /set me free, set me free.
Home Country Roads @TJohn Denver \All most heav en, West Virg in ia /Blue Ridge Mount ains, Shan an do ah Riv er /Life
ways shi nin', we just lived for fun \Some times it seems like lat ely, I just don't know /The rest of my
@LENGL @TBOHEMIAN RHAPSODY @TQueen \Is this the real life? Is this just fan ta sy?
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLet's Stay Together/Al Green @TWillie Mitchell,Al Green, Al Jackson \I, I'm s o in love
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Don't Know @TCeline Dion \A moun tain of stone, a door of steel /Can't stand in my
/You came in to my life, and I thought, hey, /You know, this could be some thing.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @I krystall@qbc.clic.net @LENGL @TGANGSTA'S PARADISE @TCoolio
@KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TFOR THE GOOD TIMES / Don't look so sad / I know it's o ver / But life goes on / And
V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TWOMAN IN LOVE @TBarbra Steisand \Life
LENGL @T I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU @T RAY CHARLES @T KARAOKE BY: TERRY.J \I can't stop lov ing you /So I've made up my
\There's no one home but you, /You're all that's left me too.
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Best @TTina Turner \I call you when I need you /And my heart's on fi re /You come
revealed.net : ) : ) @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBluer Than Blue @TMichael Johnson \Af ter you go, I can catch on my
/Where is the life that I re cog nize?
\Work ing from sev en to e lev en ev ery night, /it real ly makes my life a drag, /I don't think that's right
3781748 @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMassachusetts @TBee Gees \Feel I'm go ing back to Mass a chus etts /Some thing's