About 279 results
Genocide Starter Trio By Zebjo Bruuuh Original Music by MightySlicer Midis by MightySlicer Idea by Zebjo Bruuuh All...
Genocide Starter Trio by Zebjo Bruuuh Original Original Music By Zebjo Bruuuh Music by MightySlicer Midis by Mighty...
Midis by Crimson
单轨用于调教 自己随意发挥填词吧
Sound Horizon第四平专辑曲(ff14演奏用) 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
Diamond Both Sides Now
Growth【卫藤 昂辉(えとう こうき)CV.土岐隼一,八重樫 剣介(やえがし けんすけ)CV.山谷祥生,桜庭 凉太(さくらば りょうた)CV.山下大辉,藤村卫(ふじむら まもる)CV.寺岛惇太 】演唱,收录于《「ALIVE」その1 Side.G
East Side
おおはら そら)CV.丰永利行、在原 守人(ありはら もりひと)CV.小野友树、神楽坂宗司(かぐらざか そうし)CV.古川慎、宗像廉(むなかた れん)CV.村田太志、七瀬望(ななせ のぞむ)CV.泽城千春】演唱,收录于《ALIVE その2 Side.S
Side Stick (37) - pitch - level - pan - reverb - chorus
Although on the shorter side, this song is pretty good.
forever bright, Your glory's breaking through the night, You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay, By my side
Touhou 10 - Dark Side of Fate
Thank you for letting me cry The tears from deep down inside Thank you for being my light A guardian angel by my side
/www.midishow.com/en/midi/ff14-8-2-helldivers-2-extraction-theme-midi-download-193062 "Another victory for the RIGHT side
古董电脑上发现的游戏DX Ball2里的结尾音乐 旋律很好听,没有扒完,不一定对,听听就好
and the air was sweet And the mountains kissed the sky In the far beyond, with its many paths Man and nature lived side
Aruarian Dance 2 Luvsic Part1 3 Moon Strut 4 Luvsic Part3 5 Feather 6 Another Reflection 7 Luvsic Part2 8 Dawn on the side