About 97 results
@LENGL @TMANIAC @TMichael Sembello @TFrom the movie "Flashdance" \Just a still town girl on a sa tur day night /loo
Some day my prince will come START Marker #1 cm9 mifaso 2 Transision swing re ending END Music by Frank Churchill ゥ 1937
Untitled Song @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWorld of hurt @TIlse DeLange @TSequenced & Karaoke by H.de Koning \Day one God
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TGEORGIA ON MY MIND @TRay Charles \Geor gia, Geor gia, the whole day
/Does your memory stray /to a bright summer day /when I kissed you and /called you sweet heart?
\Fri day night and the lights are low. /Look ing out for a place to go.
/If you'd come to day you would /have reached the whole nat ion.
pain of life that you know \When all else fails and you long to be /some thing bet ter than you are to day
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TDumb @TNirvana \I'm not like them /but I can pre tend /The sun is gone \but I have a light /The day
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TRuby Tuesday @TThe Rolling Stones \She would nev er say /where she came from /Yes ter day
\De di ca tion de vo tion /tur ning all the night time in to the day.
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh the night is my world /Ci ty light pain ted girl \In the day
hand in hand \They used to talk a bout the wea ther /Ma king plans to ge ther /Days would last for e ver \Come
comes up on a sleep y lit tle town /down a round San An tone, \And the folks are ris in' for an oth er day
/Like a deep blue sea on a blue, blue day. \Blue eyes, /ba by's got blue eyes.
@I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TGEORGIA ON MY MIND @TRay Charles \Geor gia, Geor gia, the whole day
through ough ough /And I ran ah an /I ran so far /a way ay ay /I just ran ah an /I ran /all night and /day